Trowbridge Gallery

Trowbridge Gallery is a British art gallery based in London and one of the world's finest manufacturers of interior art posters.

The company produces high-quality, premium prints in baguettes with various finishes: silver plating, chrome plating, embossing, etc. In total, the brand offers 15 types of decoration. Almost all of the baguettes are made in England.

Trowbridge Gallery has a collection of over 1,000 pieces. They are mainly fashionable snapshots of fashion photography legends, stylish black-and-white prints of reportage and architectural photography, and reproductions of works by contemporary artists. The London gallery collaborates with leading British artists, including Ben Woody, Charlotte Morgan, Emma Lawrenson and others. Around 70% of the images are exclusives that cannot be found with other brands. The selection of works for reproduction is handled personally by founder Martin Trowbridge.

Trowbridge Gallery is a b2c company that does not sell works to private buyers. The company carefully monitors the whole process, from production to delivery.

In Russia, you can buy or order posters of the British brand through official representatives. Lege Alto acts as an official dealer: we have the widest range of photographs and reproductions for any style of interior.

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